Friday, March 14, 2014

NARUTO Ch. 667 Review -- AV MOD Material

I'm confused. Am I suppose to take this seriously anymore?
I'm confused. Am I suppose to take this seriously anymore?

To oppose the power of a god bent on world domination, all you really need is heart, the power of youth, and a change in color scene. It'sMight Guy vs. Madara Uchiha!

The Good

Too little that is far too late.
Too little that is far too late.

After some deep contemplation, yoga, and meditation, I think I may have filtered out some of the negativity this chapter left me with to find the positive aspects.

Everything is well up to Kishimoto's usually standards in the area of the art, and his action is well coordinated. I also wager that a reader will surely be excited if you're a Might Guy fan. That's pretty much all I have for you.

The Bad

The power of a god is nothing compared to his personal grooming.
The power of a god is nothing compared to his personal grooming.

I quite honestly don't know where to begin here. So much defies belief and reason. I could talk about how ludicrous it is that Kabuto of all people has appeared to help, but I'm afraid I'd just end up repeating the details from last week of how no one in this series can seem to remain a villain. Let's leave that well worn ground as it is for today, but feel free to talk amongst yourselves in the comments, if you wish. Instead, there's something much more glaring that I find troubling in this chapter.

Kishimoto honestly expects me to believe that the "entire" Shinobi Alliance is being held back by Spiral Zestu, but Might Guy, who couldn't stand on his own two feet moments ago, is able to push back the God-level Madara in his Sage of Six Path Mode? This was the guy who defeated five Kage and all the Bijusingle-handedly. However, Naruto, aided by the full Nine-Tails chakra and his Sage Mode, struggled to even touch the Ten-Tails Obito with assistance of Sasuke and several resurrected Hokage. Trying to find reason behind this incredible discrepancy is almost physically painful.

In fact, I think I know a great comparison. You know when they make all those fighting games based on other properties, and you have characters that, in fiction, are grossly outmatched but able to still win a fight? How does Yamcha defeat Perfect Cell, or how doesBatman take a hit from Superman? The writers for the game either pull some MacGuffin out of their hat, or the audience just shouldn't take a game so seriously. Kishimoto appears to have been playing the NARUTO games a bit too much recently.

Verdict 1/5

If I wasn't reviewing NARUTO for the site, I would seriously be considering dropping this series for a few months and catching up later. Perhaps....even going so far as to wait for the manga to end entirely. I've come too far to not know how this all wraps up. Events, abilities, and powers just have absolutely no meaning in this series anymore. I'm not going to make any claims that it's irredeemable or beyond hope of getting better. I'm just tired. This story has mentally exhausted me.

Now, please excuse me to go beat my head into the wall to try and numb my emotional pain.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /

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